Phone: 0220 26 36 26
A unique Adventure Park and Events Centre...
...less than an hour from Christchurch
Discover the 100 year old
Faulkner Family Farm
the Riverside Bushwalk
in one experience!
Check out our latest addition, the Farm & Forest Experience. One step up from a farm show, here we incorporate the important work being done by many farmers these days, preserving the native bush and wildlife.
Local resident Sean Ellis will demonstrate the way good farm dogs control sheep on the Faulkner farm. He'll even lay down a challenge for you to round them up yourself... if you dare!
Feel the lanolin in the wool of the sheep being wrangled right past you and understand why lanolin is such a sort after cosmetic product.
Our pet lambs Blackie, Magic, Jolly and Hazel are always on for a feed, so feel free to hand feed them some sheep pellets!
You'll be guided through the Riverside Bushwalk with dozens of native trees and plants individually highlighted and in amongst them, arguably the largest matai tree in Canterbury, estimated at several hundred years old.
Our pest control program has seen the eradication of rats and possums, and combined with the removal of stifling blackberry we have seen the return of piwakawaka (fantails), kereru (wood pigeon), and singing korimako (bellbird) along with other native birds.